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229 videos, 0 audios, 0 presentations

6:21 Defining and Delivery Wellbeing

Defining and Delivery Wellbeing

Introducing the highly sucessful multi-strand approach to wellbeing at The British International School, Kuala Lumpur

5:72 Senior Leaders Promoting Wellbeing

Senior Leaders Promoting Wellbeing

Exploring the importance of empowering Wellbeing Leads to lead programmes within schools.

6:41 Establishing good practice in wellbeing

Establishing good practice in wellbeing

Demonstrations of how you can incorporate the wellbeing practice of supporting others in the classroom.

4:90 Developing good practice in wellbeing education

Developing good practice in wellbeing education

Demonstrations of incorporating Positive Education in the classroom.

4:34 Developing pupils' feedback

Developing pupils' feedback

Demonstrations of incorporating emotional check-ins in the classroom.

6:27 Focussed interventions

Focused interventions

Explorations of different forms of therapy that can be used in schools and the impact of their implementation.

5:72 Staff mental health

Staff mental health

Exploring how to incorporate wellbeing strategies to support staff mental health.

4:43 Writing a wellbeing curriculum

Writing a wellbeing curriculum

Explorations of considerations for implementing an effective health and wellbeing curriculum in schools.

6:66 Sharing decision making with pupils

Sharing decision making with pupils

Exploring the importance of student voice when developing wellbeing initiatives in schools.

5:51 Promoting wellbeing throughout the curriculum

Promoting wellbeing throughout the curriculum

Explorations of incorporating wellbeing strategies across all subject areas in the curriculum.

7:27 Values driving the secondary wellbeing curriculum

Values driving the secondary wellbeing curriculum

A demonstration of different wellbeing initiatives initiated into the secondary curriculum.

5:41 Delivering CPD within a wellbeing culture

Delivering CPD within a wellbeing culture

An exploration into a CPD approach that is designed through the considerations of staff mental health.

2:51 Connecting students, parents, and staff

Connecting students, parents, and staff

An exploration into establishing connection between students, teachers and parents through journalling.

3:53 Wellbeing: The Global Perspective

Wellbeing: The Global Perspective - Part 1

How has Nord Anglia defined and started to deliver wellbeing globally? An explanation of the process of establishi...

6:04 Wellbeing: The Global Perspective

Wellbeing: The Global Perspective - Part 2

The influence of the Anna Freud centre on good practice in wellbeing. An exploration into the reasoning behind par...

3:86 Wellbeing: The Global Perspective

Wellbeing: The Global Perspective - Part 3

How do you embed wellbeing into your school? An exploration of different aspects that need to be considered when ...


Opening a new bilingual school

Hints and tips from a school that opened as a new bilingual school and has proved to be successful.


Resourcing bilingual readers

Case study of the central function of a bilingual school library.


Parents and bilingual education

A principal and a parent make the case for bilingual education which encourages global perspectives but not at the ex...


Developing bilingual learners through one curriculum area

A bilingual primary class is seen during integrated topic work, language and cultural support is both planned for and...


Developing a bilingual school- the role of phonics

Illustrated by the same year 2 class in their English and Vietnamese phonics lesson teachers explain how phonics aid ...


Bilingual education- Making a great start: EYFS

Two EYFS practitioners, one English first language and one Vietnamese first language illustrate their bilingual appro...


Developing a bilingual school through translanguaging

Unpacking how the translanguaging strategy supports children's bilingual learning.


What makes our bilingual school different?

Senior teachers define how bilingual international schools enabe local perspective and global citizenship.


What engages children in learning?

Purpose, process and audience: Mick Waters considers these three key elements underpinning learning.


Tomi Writing

EAL learner Tomi, Reception, writes with the help of his practitioner.


The case for formative assessment

Paul Black states the case for assessment for learning, making it clear that it can help to develop more effective le...


Representing ideas through design and technology.

Dolf, an EAL learner, has chosen to work in The Artellier to construct a model.


Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classroom: Part 5

In a plenary session, the class are invited to feedback on compositions created during the lesson by small groups men...


Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classroom: Part 3

A teacher and Juilliard Curriculum Specialist team teach a class encouraging them to think as composers.


Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classroom: Part 2

Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores how Stravinsky creates a mysterious mood in 'Rite o...


Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classroom: Part 1

Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores contrasting accents and slurs to create a mysterious...


Incorporating Juilliard into an established performing arts pro...

Integration of a school's former music curriculum and the Juilliard curriculum intervention.


Enabling Environment

A head of EYFS explains how accessibility of resources at children's height ensures real choice.


Using Juilliard Masterworks to stimulate creativity: Ages 13-14...

In group, the students develop their compositions ahead of performing as a whole class.


Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classroom: Part 4

Working in small groups with a Juilliard Curriculum Specialist, we see how an original spin can be layered on 'Myster...


Teachers experiencing the Juilliard Approach: Part 2

Juilliard introduces its approach to learning via a music based lesson to a whole school staff. As an introductory CP...


Juilliard: Introducing the collaboration

Juilliard's Curriculum Specialists are both professional musicians and educators and can introduce engagement, creati...


Building skills across the curriculum

Students and a PE teacher reflect on how skills practised in Performing Arts subjects transfer to many subjects, illu...


Talking About Fractions

Problem solving related to thirds and sixths.


Improving Writing 1: Vivid Verbs

This first grade teacher introduces a class on the carpet to superior, more vivid verbs.


Improving Writing 3: Mentoring Improvement in Writing

An extended conversation to improve writing standards between a first grade pupil and his teaching assistant.


Understanding Subtraction

Three children of contrasting ability are mentored to explain 52-6=.


Exploring Non-Standard Measurements Using IT 1

Joaquim uses non-standard tools to measure the length of different school supplies.


Exploring Non-Standard Measurements Using IT 2

Children use non-standard tools to measure the length of different school supplies.


Creating Number Stories as a Solution Strategy in Math(s)

Children practise explaining solution strategies to an addition number story.


Learning About Fractions Using IT 1

Joaquim is using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a conceptual u...


Learning About Fractions Using IT 2

Two children are using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a concep...


Learning About Fractions Using IT 3

Two children are using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a concep...


IT Integration in the Classroom 1

Explores complete integration of IT and core subjects.


IT Integration in the Classroom 2

The shift in a school to the total integration of IT into subject teaching is further examined.


8th Grade Reflecting on the Personal Learning Plan

8th grade students reflect on improving their learning through the use of their Personal Learning Plan.


Language Arts

Raising standards in literacy has benefitted from the Language Arts approach at this school in Mexico.


Middle School Math Data Meeting

Sharing data with students and translating targets to student centred language is enabling students to set their own ...


The School That Knows Itself: Data

We see how diverse data, used daily by pupils, administrators and teachers is enabling challenge in learning for ever...


The School That Knows Itself: Purpose and Direction

Ensuring that mission and vision are visible in classrooms and their effects inspire students can be measured is seen...


The School That Knows Itself- Being Ambitious

The academic director and principal of a 5-16 school vision the next five years.


Using the Personalised Learning Plan

We watch as a teacher interviews students working on their next challenging targets using their personalised learning...



The teacher outlines a French lesson in which children revisit their first year's work by putting together (and later...


Script Development

Four girls are reading through and annotating their script before performing it.



In this Geography lesson, the teacher introduces a story-boarding activity.


Group Letter

The teacher in this German lesson introduces a collaborative letter-writing activity.


The Vegetable Patch

A group of children in this private nursery talk informally with their teacher and each other, and make visits to the...


Creative Thinking

A primary school teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) talks about the advantages of sharing a ...


Encouraging Ownership

A primary teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) reflects on the significance of helping childre...


Sharing Learning Objectives

A high school science teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) considers the advantages of sharing...


Encouraging Independent Learning

A member of a high school's senior leadership team (and science teacher) reflects on the school's efforts to help stu...


Shaping the Curriculum

A primary head-teacher outlines his vision for learning and explains how he and his staff have developed and shaped t...


Looking at Learning

A primary head-teacher responds to a question about what 'warms his heart' as he walks through the school and sees th...


Success Criteria

A primary head-teacher responds to the suggestion that, when he and his colleagues are assessing children's success, ...


Developing a Learning Environment

A primary head-teacher is asked about the physical environment, and how this important aspect of climate is influence...


Involving Parents

Teachers from Nursery and Reception classes reflect on ways to encourage parents to be involved in their children's l...


Reviewing Together

Nursery and Reception teachers describe how they and their colleagues record, review and plan collaboratively.


Encouraging Independence

Nursery and Reception teachers talk about how they plan and organise their work in partnership.


Bag of Pictures

After the morning's activities have been introduced, the teacher develops questions about what pirates have on their ...


Clouds and Fish

Introducing the morning's activities on pirates to her mixed YR/Y1 class, the teacher reminds the children of their r...



The children are engaged in a range of planned activities relating to their chosen topic 'pirates'.


More Making

Learning partners continue to construct their smoke alarm, experiencing difficulties as well as successes.


Success and Reflection

The teacher supports and encourages the children in moving to a final successful conclusion.


Persistence and Expectation

Pupils in this introductory lesson on 'Atoms' work individually on a worksheet task.


Drawing of Lesson

As the final activity of an introductory lesson on Atoms, the teacher introduces a task requiring pupils to draw a pi...


Light Box

Following a visit to Forest School, children work with a Teaching Assistant at a light-box.


Making Pots

A visiting professional potter is working on his wheel with Nursery children.


Learning Dispositions

An Early Years teacher reflects on her school's curriculum and shared emphasis on dispositions for learning such as t...


Encouraging Engagement

An Early Years teacher is asked how she encourages pupils' engagement.


Learning Outcomes

An Early Years teacher defines learning outcomes.


Forest School Opportunities

Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...


Celebrating the Environment

Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...


Challenge Level

Pupils from this able French group reflect on a lesson in which they have prepared a presentation to showcase their f...


Trial and Error

Boys from this mixed-ability drama group consider aspects of the lesson.


Warm Ups

A mixed-ability group of boys continue to discuss their drama lesson with the teacher.


Keeping on Questioning

A group of pupils discuss their science lesson (which introduced the topic 'Atoms') with their teacher.


Qualities of Learning

Pupils continue to reflect on their learning and how it was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.


Reviewing Learning

Pupils continue to reflect on how their learning was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.


Sharing Information

Pupils continue to think about how their learning was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.


Our Own Museum

Following a visit to the local museum, these nursery children have planned and set up their own museum in the role-pl...


Reviewing the Morning

Nursery children meet to reflect on their morning's achievements.


Bridge Building

Following a story stimulus, nursery children use a variety of materials to build a bridge which has to be safe enough...


Shelter Building

Following a story stimulus, children at Forest School are building a shelter from materials they have collected.


Parents supporting schools (but might be called) Learning is Fun

A primary deputy headteacher responds to two prompts.


Group Support

A mixed ability group of girls reflect on their drama lesson.


Taking Part

Students in this mixed ability group reflect on their attitude to drama lessons and what encourages them to take part.


Making Learning Enjoyable

A mixed ability group of boys continue to reflect on their drama lesson, and consider what made the lesson enjoyable.


Getting the key from the ice cube

A nursery teacher leads children through an exploration of how to release a key from an ice cube so that a box of tre...


Discussion and questioning

Year 1 children discuss the way in which a light source can make shadows.


Light and dark _ vocabulary

A year 1 class are coming to the end of a topic on light and dark.


Developing success criteria _ movement and dance

A year 6 class are exploring mood and character in paintings.


Fundamentals of assessment for learning

Paul Black talks about the fundamental features of assessment for learning, building pupils' understanding of the pur...


Negotiating Success Criteria

Paul Black talks about the importance of negotiating success criteria with pupils, making outcomes achievable but at ...


Understanding the big picture

In order for pupils' day to day learning to be meaningful, they need to understand how it fits into the bigger picture.


Teachers rethinking their roles

Paul Black speaks about the challenges for teachers inherent in assessment for learning that requires a rethinking th...


Nurturing pupils' engagement with learning

The engagement with learning shown by babies and young children is often not evident in school.


Assessment for learning with lower attainers

Paul Black talks about the particular impact that assessment for learning can have for lower attainers, as well as ab...


Characteristics of the AfL classroom

Classrooms where assessment for learning has been implemented can appear and sound very different from conventional c...


The school context for promoting AfL

Time for discussion within school and for teachers to observe each other's practice are essential elements of continu...


Formative feedback versus marks and grades

Paul Black talks about the importance of feedback to pupils that supports their learning and the negative impact that...


Introducing AfL in secondary schools

Paul Black talks about the issues for teachers and for pupils where assessment for learning is being introduced in so...


Teachers reactions to assessment for learning

Paul Black talks about how assessment for learning touches the core of teachers' work because it relates to the funda...


Assessment for Learning in secondary schools

Paul Black presents the case for assessment for learning in secondary schools.


The hot and cold game

In this primary school, a range of activities are used to make learning a modern foreign language enjoyable and fun.


Warm up activity for a French lesson

Year 5 pupils enjoy a song as a lesson starter.


Talking about the animals

A year 5 class are working on naming animals in French and linking this with previous work on colours.


Pass the parcel

As part of a French lesson talking about animals, the children work in groups playing pass the parcel, using their kn...


Conversations about animals

Building on whole class and group work earlier in the lesson, the children use the French to which they have been int...


Supporting in French

A class teacher, who supports French being taught to her class, talks about her role and experiences, and the impact ...


Incorporating French into the school day

A class teacher talks about how French is incorporated into the wider curriculum and the advantages that children who...


Naming the colours - German

Children use an activity, in which they step on coloured cards in sequence, to revise the names of colours in German.


Find the object

Year 6 pupils in a German class are involved in a team game to find objects as they are named by the teacher.


Recapping French Vocabulary

The teacher leads a lively start to a French lesson with a year 3 class, recapping some vocabulary with the class.


Singing French number names

Year 3 children revisit French number names in a song.


Language detectives

As part of a theme of exploring languages and the similarities between them, year 3 children match number names in Fr...


How do we develop better learners?

Patricia Broadfoot talks about the distinction between summative and the impact that can have on standards and the c...


Knowing where they are going

Patricia Broadfoot talks about students' understanding of where their learning is going, both in the short term withi...


Feedback and classroom dialogue

Verbal and written feedback that supports the student in knowing where to go next is essential to learning.


Giving students the language of assessment

Patricia Broadfoot talks about how teachers can give students the language of assessment so that students become auto...


Self and peer assessment

Self and peer assessment make sense when assessment is understood as a process of empowering students in their learning.


Getting the best from all learners

Patricia Broadfoot talks about the impact that assessment for learning can have for lower attainers including boys, g...


The potential of assessment for learning

The evidence shows that there is no other educational innovation that has such power to raise standards.


Cooking Pot

Using a very effective cooking pot analogy, the teacher encourages children to devise and make some sort of alarm by ...


Smoke Alarm

The teacher introduces the idea of a smoke-alarm, and the designing and making task.


Starting Making

Learning partners are working on their smoke alarm.


Flipchart List

Having helped pupils to recall what they already know about atoms, the teacher asks them to think about what they wou...


Introductory Slides

The teacher introduces the new topic 'Atoms', emphasising that this will build on the previous year's work.


Planning the Alarm

Learning partners plan their smoke alarm; the teacher helps them to bring together their two ideas.


The Quiz

The teacher introduces a quiz; although pupils may discuss their ideas, final responses are to be individual.


Electron Mystery

Referring back to learning objectives and to the pupils' list (already constructed on the flipchart) of what they hop...


Story Telling

The teacher (with the assistance of a basket of props) reads the class the Very Lazy Ladybird story.


Planning Together

Two practitioners meet to share information and observations about the children's achievements earlier in the day (in...


Family Learning

A group of parents meet for a family learning session run by a teacher.



A Teaching Assistant has come across two boys in the school grounds as they find and look at some mini-beasts.


Musical Instruments

Children are involved in two related activities. First, they look for, discuss and draw mini-beasts. Then they make m...


Fairness Photo-line

Groups of children are given the same set of photographs and asked to collaborate in ranking them in order of 'fairne...


New Forest School

KS2 children are involved in the real tasks of designing and making a new Forest School as the original site is becom...


Rubber Chicken

This Drama lesson started with video of sixth-formers acting as if young children.


Badger Holes

These children discover new badger holes and footprints as they walk through the woodland on their way to Forest Scho...


Bird Table

The children enjoy observing a bird table outside the window, and feed the birds regularly.


Planning with Children

Following their visit to the local museum, these Nursery children meet to remember what they saw and to plan their ow...


Project Planning with Staff

Nursery staff meet to finalise details of the forthcoming visit to the local museum.


Testing Balloons

Following a story-starter, children have explored ways of helping the Very Lazy Ladybird to fly.


Starting the Day

It is the start of the day and these Reception children are being encouraged to be independent by signing in.


Encouraging Risk-taking

A primary teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) reflects on the significance of sharing with ch...


Developing Metacognition

A primary teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) reflects on the importance of children's awaren...


The Pirates' Problem

Boys are engaged in role-play in the pirate ship outside the classroom.


The Telescope

A boy is making a telescope (one of a series of pirate-related activities on offer).


Learning Journey

The YR/Y1 class is back together on the carpet after the morning's activities.


Train Ride

As part of their outdoor play, nursery children have helped to construct a train out of cardboard boxes.


Puppet Screen

Following a visit to their Forest School, primary children plan and make puppets using twigs and other natural materi...


Decorating Sticks

These nursery children have a new set of sticks which they will use to make, and to enjoy, music.


Museum Visit

Nursery children explore and discuss artefacts as they visit their local museum.


Fun with colours

In this school, the aim is to engage children in learning a modern foreign language through activities, games and songs.


Heads and shoulders

Year 3 children sing 'heads and shoulders' as part of a French lesson with a focus on naming parts of the body.


Learning within a broad curriculum

Why don't we assess across a broad curriculum and acknowledge that learning is complex and uneven?


Continuity in children's learning - laying the crazy paving

What is the starting point in planning learning?


What does outstanding learning look like?

What does learning look like in successful schools and how does this impact on measured outcomes for pupils?


Teaching whole books

What is the place of whole books in the curriculum?


What does learning and teaching look like over time?

What do you want children to experience and achieve?


Opening doors and inviting children through

Mick Waters talks about developing children with growth mindsets and avoiding the pressures of the education system t...


What is outstanding teaching - 1?

What does good teaching look like inside and outside of the classroom?


What is outstanding teaching - 2?

Mick Waters offers a definition of an outstanding teacher in terms of the teacher's contribution to the learning comm...


Meeting ourselves coming back

What are the impacts of accountability? Mick Waters considers the narrowness of current accountability measures.


Engaging all children in their learning

Mick Waters talks about successful schools where all children are architects of their own learning


Success criteria in GCSE English

A year 10 English group explore how poetic techniques can create feelings in the reader.


Discussing and evaluating team work

A group of students from a GCSE Manufacturing course are discussing and evaluating their team work.


Revisiting learning intentions and success criteria

In a GCSE Manufacturing group, the teacher leads the students in revisiting the learning intentions and success crite...


The teacher's role in AfL

A teacher talks about how the role of the teacher changes as assessment for learning is introduced.


The AfL classroom - 1

A deputy head teacher talks about the characteristics of an assessment for learning classroom.


The AfL classroom _ 2

A deputy head teacher talks about assessment for learning within the context of a year 10 boys GCSE English group.


Learning intentions, success criteria and making errors

The fundamental importance of sharing learning intentions and developing success criteria with the learners are empha...


Questioning and no hands up

A deputy head teacher talks about the impact of no hands up as a technique for involving all students in classroom di...


Collaborative learning and effective group work

In this clip, a deputy head teacher talks about developing procedures and defining roles for group work in conjunctio...


Feedback, peer assessment and reflective learning

In relation to a year 10 GCSE English group, a deputy head teacher talks about how students have developed feedback s...


AFL and CPD - 1

A deputy head teacher talks about the on-going CPD process that is being used to support the development of assessmen...


AfL and CPD - 2

Describing her school as a learning community, a deputy head teacher talks about how staff are utilising the same app...


Peer and self assessment in GCSE English

A group of students present its analysis of a stanza from Dulce et Decorum Est.


Sharing lesson intentions

After recapping the previous lesson, the teacher outlines plans for the current lesson and shares intended learning o...


Teamwork protocols

This clip shows an introductory phase of the lesson continuing.


Starting the group task

A group of four use valuable time in their unsuccessful search for a group name


Ideas taking shape

Groups are now ready to start preparing written bids which need to reflect their reasoning.


Homework task

The teacher outlines the homework task a group task, but with individual aspects.


Consolidation phase

This clip shows the consolidation phase of the lesson.


Review and reflection

The lesson ends with a review session. Individual and group reflection is followed by feedback and discussion on how ...


How do pupils see the link between reading and writing skills?

Talk partners are used to develop pupils' understanding of how reading helps the development of writing skills and vi...


What does it mean to compare characters in a book Part 1?

Through classroom dialogue including the use of talk partners, pupils explore the use of connectives to express diffe...


What does it mean to compare characters in a book Part 3?

Through classroom discussion, pupils talk about the techniques and skills they will need to use when comparing charac...


What are the benefits of studying whole books?

The benefits of working with whole books through the school year are illustrated in group work where pupils explore t...


How can you promote in-depth exploration of text?

Having studied a whole book (The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas) through the year, pupils show how they have developed sk...


How can a teacher promote exploration of text for meaning?

A teacher leads a group of pupils in exploring meaning in text, from the book that pupils have been studying through ...


How do pupils understand their leaning? - developing meta-cogni...

Pupils talk about collaborative learning, the role of success criteria and the role of their personal targets, reflec...


Studying whole books _ what are the pupils' perspectives?

Pupils talk with their teacher about the challenges and benefits of studying whole books and the impact that studying...


How do you develop pupils understanding of success criteria for...

During the course of their writing, pupils share what they have produced so far as part of a whole class review.


How can pupils be introduced to success criteria? _ an example ...

A teacher leads pupils in exploring the success criteria for a letter they are to write, for a learning objective abo...


What is the place of whole books in the new curriculum?

With whole books at the heart of learning and teaching, an assistant head teacher talks about how her school carries ...


How should teachers evaluate and plan towards a whole book appr...

An assistant head teacher talks about the impact of a whole books approach on children's learning and motivation.


What is the impact of a whole books approach on pupils learning?

A head teacher talks about how learning and teaching based on whole books has engaged and motivated pupils.


EYFS: Developing Writing

This clip is a commentary of how writing develops which works well with the clip "Tomi Writing'.


EYFS- The Vital Foundation

A principal talks about why the foundation stage is vital in terms of both learning and social skills.


Supporting the play-based approach

A principal tells us of his support for a play based approach in EYFS as long as it has the right expertise behind it.


Parents view on play based settings

Parents give their views on play-based early years and contrast this to more formal settings.


Parents Communicating with Early Years Settings

Parents explain how communication- informal, social media, email, and formal reports are all important.


Planning in the moment

Trainee practitioner, Jillian, explains how she is finding that genuine interest from the children is essential.


Releasing the Butterflies Commentary

Practitioner Emma reflects on the clip "releasing the Butterflies.'


Assessing and Recording Progress

A head of EYFS explains how using IT through an app to track learning.


Heritage Language and Home Culture

A head of EYFS describes how she celebrates and values children's heritage and home language.


Developing an Early Years Unit

A head of EYFS reveals how a focus on documentation and play based learning shaped the philosophy of a new EYFS unit.


The Water Wall

Five boys, with a range of heritage languages, play independently with water at a commercially produced set of pipes ...


The Shop

Children role play in the classroom shop.


Releasing the Butterflies

Both years in EYFS have been nurturing butterflies and today, they are to be released.


Making a car

Dolf, an EAL learner, has chosen to work outside and alone.