Video library
Defining and Delivery Wellbeing
Introducing the highly sucessful multi-strand approach to wellbeing at The British International School, Kuala Lumpur
Senior Leaders Promoting Wellbeing
Exploring the importance of empowering Wellbeing Leads to lead programmes within schools.
Establishing good practice in wellbeing
Demonstrations of how you can incorporate the wellbeing practice of supporting others in the classroom.
Developing good practice in wellbeing education
Demonstrations of incorporating Positive Education in the classroom.
Focused interventions
Explorations of different forms of therapy that can be used in schools and the impact of their implementation.
Staff mental health
Exploring how to incorporate wellbeing strategies to support staff mental health.
Writing a wellbeing curriculum
Explorations of considerations for implementing an effective health and wellbeing curriculum in schools.
Sharing decision making with pupils
Exploring the importance of student voice when developing wellbeing initiatives in schools.
Promoting wellbeing throughout the curriculum
Explorations of incorporating wellbeing strategies across all subject areas in the curriculum.
Values driving the secondary wellbeing curriculum
A demonstration of different wellbeing initiatives initiated into the secondary curriculum.
Delivering CPD within a wellbeing culture
An exploration into a CPD approach that is designed through the considerations of staff mental health.
Connecting students, parents, and staff
An exploration into establishing connection between students, teachers and parents through journalling.
Wellbeing: The Global Perspective - Part 1
How has Nord Anglia defined and started to deliver wellbeing globally? An explanation of the process of establishi...
Wellbeing: The Global Perspective - Part 2
The influence of the Anna Freud centre on good practice in wellbeing. An exploration into the reasoning behind par...
Wellbeing: The Global Perspective - Part 3
How do you embed wellbeing into your school? An exploration of different aspects that need to be considered when ...

Opening a new bilingual school
Hints and tips from a school that opened as a new bilingual school and has proved to be successful.

Parents and bilingual education
A principal and a parent make the case for bilingual education which encourages global perspectives but not at the ex...

Data: the impact of the bilingual approach
True bilingualism is a learning marathon, not a sprint. We see how data shows this.

Equally valuing local and western staff
In a bilingual international school, local and western staff complement one another, we see how each are chosen and r...

Developing bilingual learners through one curriculum area
A bilingual primary class is seen during integrated topic work, language and cultural support is both planned for and...

A differentiated approach to assisting bilingual language learners
Vietnamese children join a bilingual school with a wide variation in their English skills, we see how all are supported.

Planning the curriculum in a bilingual international school
Consistent planning, to deliver the same skills and structured programmes concurrentl,y maximises the learning potent...

Developing a bilingual school- the role of phonics
Illustrated by the same year 2 class in their English and Vietnamese phonics lesson teachers explain how phonics aid ...