Additional Adults
42 videos

What does this picture mean to you? - comparing...
Using pictures as prompts, pupils show their developing understanding of the characters and themes of a book (The Boy...

Musical Instruments
Children are involved in two related activities. First, they look for, discuss and draw mini-beasts. Then they make m...

A Teaching Assistant has come across two boys in the school grounds as they find and look at some mini-beasts.

Supporting in French
A class teacher, who supports French being taught to her class, talks about her role and experiences, and the impact ...

MfL in the primary curriculum
A primary teacher with modern foreign languages responsibility talks about introducing French to primary pupils and h...

Shelter Building
Following a story stimulus, children at Forest School are building a shelter from materials they have collected.

Bridge Building
Following a story stimulus, nursery children use a variety of materials to build a bridge which has to be safe enough...

Celebrating the Environment
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...

Forest School Opportunities
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...

Light Box
Following a visit to Forest School, children work with a Teaching Assistant at a light-box.

The children are engaged in a range of planned activities relating to their chosen topic 'pirates'.

Planning in the moment
Trainee practitioner, Jillian, explains how she is finding that genuine interest from the children is essential.

Heritage Language and Home Culture
A head of EYFS describes how she celebrates and values children's heritage and home language.

What makes our bilingual school different?
Senior teachers define how bilingual international schools enabe local perspective and global citizenship.

Developing a bilingual school through translang...
Unpacking how the translanguaging strategy supports children's bilingual learning.

Bilingual education- Making a great start: EYFS
Two EYFS practitioners, one English first language and one Vietnamese first language illustrate their bilingual appro...

Planning the curriculum in a bilingual internat...
Consistent planning, to deliver the same skills and structured programmes concurrentl,y maximises the learning potent...

A differentiated approach to assisting bilingua...
Vietnamese children join a bilingual school with a wide variation in their English skills, we see how all are supported.

Equally valuing local and western staff
In a bilingual international school, local and western staff complement one another, we see how each are chosen and r...

Opening a new bilingual school
Hints and tips from a school that opened as a new bilingual school and has proved to be successful.

The Water Wall
Five boys, with a range of heritage languages, play independently with water at a commercially produced set of pipes ...

Developing bilingual learners through one curri...
A bilingual primary class is seen during integrated topic work, language and cultural support is both planned for and...

Improving Writing 3: Mentoring Improvement in W...
An extended conversation to improve writing standards between a first grade pupil and his teaching assistant.

Creating Number Stories as a Solution Strategy ...
Children practise explaining solution strategies to an addition number story.

IT Integration in the Classroom 2
The shift in a school to the total integration of IT into subject teaching is further examined.

Integrating Technology Throughout The Curriculum
An IT teacher explains how she enhances Math(s) teaching in grade 8 in this school in Mexico.

IT integration in First Grade: Fractions
An IT teacher and a first grade teacher delivering Math(s) explain how planning and teaching together enables deeper ...

IT Integration in First Grade: iPad Basics and ...
The simultaneous teaching of IT and Math(s) is illustrated as children work independently in non-standard measurement.

IT Integration in First Grade: Reflecting on Le...
A Math(s) and IT teacher reflect on the advantages of recording children's voices and written explanations 'live' as ...

Language Arts
Raising standards in literacy has benefitted from the Language Arts approach at this school in Mexico.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Working in small groups with a Juilliard Curriculum Specialist, we see how an original spin can be layered on 'Myster...

Incorporating Juilliard into an established per...
Integration of a school's former music curriculum and the Juilliard curriculum intervention.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores contrasting accents and slurs to create a mysterious...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
A teacher and Juilliard Curriculum Specialist team teach a class encouraging them to think as composers.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
In a plenary session, the class are invited to feedback on compositions created during the lesson by small groups men...

Representing ideas through design and technology.
Dolf, an EAL learner, has chosen to work in The Artellier to construct a model.