Video library
Flipchart List
Having helped pupils to recall what they already know about atoms, the teacher asks them to think about what they wou...
Introductory Slides
The teacher introduces the new topic 'Atoms', emphasising that this will build on the previous year's work.
Planning the Alarm
Learning partners plan their smoke alarm; the teacher helps them to bring together their two ideas.
Group Reporting Task
The teacher introduces the Secret Text task which involves groups in working collaboratively, and with limited time, ...
Electron Mystery
Referring back to learning objectives and to the pupils' list (already constructed on the flipchart) of what they hop...
Story Telling
The teacher (with the assistance of a basket of props) reads the class the Very Lazy Ladybird story.
Planning Together
Two practitioners meet to share information and observations about the children's achievements earlier in the day (in...
A Teaching Assistant has come across two boys in the school grounds as they find and look at some mini-beasts.
Musical Instruments
Children are involved in two related activities. First, they look for, discuss and draw mini-beasts. Then they make m...
Fairness Photo-line
Groups of children are given the same set of photographs and asked to collaborate in ranking them in order of 'fairne...
New Forest School
KS2 children are involved in the real tasks of designing and making a new Forest School as the original site is becom...
Badger Holes
These children discover new badger holes and footprints as they walk through the woodland on their way to Forest Scho...
Being Imaginative (but might be called Outdoor Painting)
Children in this primary school are using an outdoor area close to the school as the stimulus and setting for their p...
Bird Table
The children enjoy observing a bird table outside the window, and feed the birds regularly.
Planning with Children
Following their visit to the local museum, these Nursery children meet to remember what they saw and to plan their ow...
Project Planning with Staff
Nursery staff meet to finalise details of the forthcoming visit to the local museum.
Sorting Twigs
As part of their preparation for visits to Forest School, these children are learning to sort twigs into categories b...
Testing Balloons
Following a story-starter, children have explored ways of helping the Very Lazy Ladybird to fly.
Starting the Day
It is the start of the day and these Reception children are being encouraged to be independent by signing in.
Encouraging Risk-taking
A primary teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) reflects on the significance of sharing with ch...