Video library
Teachers reactions to assessment for learning
Paul Black talks about how assessment for learning touches the core of teachers' work because it relates to the funda...
Assessment for Learning in secondary schools
Paul Black presents the case for assessment for learning in secondary schools.
The hot and cold game
In this primary school, a range of activities are used to make learning a modern foreign language enjoyable and fun.
MfL in the primary curriculum
A primary teacher with modern foreign languages responsibility talks about introducing French to primary pupils and h...
Talking about the animals
A year 5 class are working on naming animals in French and linking this with previous work on colours.
Pass the parcel
As part of a French lesson talking about animals, the children work in groups playing pass the parcel, using their kn...
Conversations about animals
Building on whole class and group work earlier in the lesson, the children use the French to which they have been int...
Supporting in French
A class teacher, who supports French being taught to her class, talks about her role and experiences, and the impact ...
Incorporating French into the school day
A class teacher talks about how French is incorporated into the wider curriculum and the advantages that children who...
Naming the colours - German
Children use an activity, in which they step on coloured cards in sequence, to revise the names of colours in German.
Find the object
Year 6 pupils in a German class are involved in a team game to find objects as they are named by the teacher.
Recapping French Vocabulary
The teacher leads a lively start to a French lesson with a year 3 class, recapping some vocabulary with the class.
Language detectives
As part of a theme of exploring languages and the similarities between them, year 3 children match number names in Fr...
How do we develop better learners?
Patricia Broadfoot talks about the distinction between summative and the impact that can have on standards and the c...
Knowing where they are going
Patricia Broadfoot talks about students' understanding of where their learning is going, both in the short term withi...
Feedback and classroom dialogue
Verbal and written feedback that supports the student in knowing where to go next is essential to learning.
Giving students the language of assessment
Patricia Broadfoot talks about how teachers can give students the language of assessment so that students become auto...
Self and peer assessment
Self and peer assessment make sense when assessment is understood as a process of empowering students in their learning.
Getting the best from all learners
Patricia Broadfoot talks about the impact that assessment for learning can have for lower attainers including boys, g...
The potential of assessment for learning
The evidence shows that there is no other educational innovation that has such power to raise standards.
Cooking Pot
Using a very effective cooking pot analogy, the teacher encourages children to devise and make some sort of alarm by ...