Video library
Involving Parents
Teachers from Nursery and Reception classes reflect on ways to encourage parents to be involved in their children's l...
Reviewing Together
Nursery and Reception teachers describe how they and their colleagues record, review and plan collaboratively.
Encouraging Independence
Nursery and Reception teachers talk about how they plan and organise their work in partnership.
Bag of Pictures
After the morning's activities have been introduced, the teacher develops questions about what pirates have on their ...
Clouds and Fish
Introducing the morning's activities on pirates to her mixed YR/Y1 class, the teacher reminds the children of their r...
The children are engaged in a range of planned activities relating to their chosen topic 'pirates'.
More Making
Learning partners continue to construct their smoke alarm, experiencing difficulties as well as successes.
Success and Reflection
The teacher supports and encourages the children in moving to a final successful conclusion.
Persistence and Expectation
Pupils in this introductory lesson on 'Atoms' work individually on a worksheet task.
Drawing of Lesson
As the final activity of an introductory lesson on Atoms, the teacher introduces a task requiring pupils to draw a pi...
Help Opportunities
Children in the top set are working on group presentations to showcase their first year of French.
Learning Dispositions
An Early Years teacher reflects on her school's curriculum and shared emphasis on dispositions for learning such as t...
Forest School Opportunities
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...
Celebrating the Environment
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...
Challenge Level
Pupils from this able French group reflect on a lesson in which they have prepared a presentation to showcase their f...
Keeping on Questioning
A group of pupils discuss their science lesson (which introduced the topic 'Atoms') with their teacher.
Qualities of Learning
Pupils continue to reflect on their learning and how it was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.
Reviewing Learning
Pupils continue to reflect on how their learning was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.
Sharing Information
Pupils continue to think about how their learning was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.