Teacher as Facilitator
50 videos

Releasing the Butterflies
Both years in EYFS have been nurturing butterflies and today, they are to be released.

Bilingual education- Making a great start: EYFS
Two EYFS practitioners, one English first language and one Vietnamese first language illustrate their bilingual appro...

How can pupils be introduced to success criteri...
A teacher leads pupils in exploring the success criteria for a letter they are to write, for a learning objective abo...

How can a teacher promote exploration of text f...
A teacher leads a group of pupils in exploring meaning in text, from the book that pupils have been studying through ...

What does it mean to compare characters in a bo...
Through classroom dialogue including the use of talk partners, pupils explore the use of connectives to express diffe...

How do pupils see the link between reading and ...
Talk partners are used to develop pupils' understanding of how reading helps the development of writing skills and vi...

Review and reflection
The lesson ends with a review session. Individual and group reflection is followed by feedback and discussion on how ...

Starting the group task
A group of four use valuable time in their unsuccessful search for a group name

Feedback, peer assessment and reflective learning
In relation to a year 10 GCSE English group, a deputy head teacher talks about how students have developed feedback s...

Collaborative learning and effective group work
In this clip, a deputy head teacher talks about developing procedures and defining roles for group work in conjunctio...

The AfL classroom - 1
A deputy head teacher talks about the characteristics of an assessment for learning classroom.

The teacher's role in AfL
A teacher talks about how the role of the teacher changes as assessment for learning is introduced.

Peer and self assessment in GCSE English
A group of students present its analysis of a stanza from Dulce et Decorum Est.

Success criteria in GCSE English
A year 10 English group explore how poetic techniques can create feelings in the reader.

The potential of assessment for learning
The evidence shows that there is no other educational innovation that has such power to raise standards.

Getting the best from all learners
Patricia Broadfoot talks about the impact that assessment for learning can have for lower attainers including boys, g...

Self and peer assessment
Self and peer assessment make sense when assessment is understood as a process of empowering students in their learning.

Giving students the language of assessment
Patricia Broadfoot talks about how teachers can give students the language of assessment so that students become auto...

Teachers reactions to assessment for learning
Paul Black talks about how assessment for learning touches the core of teachers' work because it relates to the funda...

Characteristics of the AfL classroom
Classrooms where assessment for learning has been implemented can appear and sound very different from conventional c...

Nurturing pupils' engagement with learning
The engagement with learning shown by babies and young children is often not evident in school.

Teachers rethinking their roles
Paul Black speaks about the challenges for teachers inherent in assessment for learning that requires a rethinking th...

The teacher outlines a French lesson in which children revisit their first year's work by putting together (and later...

Releasing the Butterflies Commentary
Practitioner Emma reflects on the clip "releasing the Butterflies.'

Observation, planning and ensuring development.
A principal explains how skilled observation at EYFS drives next steps of development.

EYFS: Developing Writing
This clip is a commentary of how writing develops which works well with the clip "Tomi Writing'.

Learning About Fractions Using IT 1
Joaquim is using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a conceptual u...

Learning About Fractions Using IT 2
Two children are using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a concep...

Learning About Fractions Using IT 3
Two children are using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a concep...

Integrating Technology Throughout The Curriculum
An IT teacher explains how she enhances Math(s) teaching in grade 8 in this school in Mexico.

IT integration in First Grade: Fractions
An IT teacher and a first grade teacher delivering Math(s) explain how planning and teaching together enables deeper ...

IT Integration in First Grade: iPad Basics and ...
The simultaneous teaching of IT and Math(s) is illustrated as children work independently in non-standard measurement.

IT Integration in First Grade: Reflecting on Le...
A Math(s) and IT teacher reflect on the advantages of recording children's voices and written explanations 'live' as ...

IT Safety in School
IT Safety considerations are considered by The Director of Technology at a 5-16 school in Mexico.
8th Grade Reflecting on the Personal Learning Plan
8th grade students reflect on improving their learning through the use of their Personal Learning Plan.

Using the Personalised Learning Plan
We watch as a teacher interviews students working on their next challenging targets using their personalised learning...

Building skills across the curriculum
Students and a PE teacher reflect on how skills practised in Performing Arts subjects transfer to many subjects, illu...

Teachers experiencing the Juilliard Approach: P...
Juilliard introduces its approach to learning via a music based lesson to a whole school staff. As an introductory CP...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Working in small groups with a Juilliard Curriculum Specialist, we see how an original spin can be layered on 'Myster...

Teachers experiencing the Juilliard Approach: P...
Juilliard introduces its unique music based curriculum intervention to a whole school staff. As an introductory CPD s...

Teachers experiencing the Juilliard Approach: P...
A whole school staff session concludes with reflections from teachers.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores contrasting accents and slurs to create a mysterious...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores how Stravinsky creates a mysterious mood in 'Rite o...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
A teacher and Juilliard Curriculum Specialist team teach a class encouraging them to think as composers.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
In a plenary session, the class are invited to feedback on compositions created during the lesson by small groups men...