37 videos

Releasing the Butterflies
Both years in EYFS have been nurturing butterflies and today, they are to be released.

How do you develop pupils understanding of succ...
During the course of their writing, pupils share what they have produced so far as part of a whole class review.

Studying whole books _ what are the pupils' per...
Pupils talk with their teacher about the challenges and benefits of studying whole books and the impact that studying...

How do pupils understand their leaning? - devel...
Pupils talk about collaborative learning, the role of success criteria and the role of their personal targets, reflec...

How can a teacher promote exploration of text f...
A teacher leads a group of pupils in exploring meaning in text, from the book that pupils have been studying through ...

What does it mean to compare characters in a bo...
Through classroom dialogue including the use of talk partners, pupils explore the use of connectives to express diffe...

Questioning and no hands up
A deputy head teacher talks about the impact of no hands up as a technique for involving all students in classroom di...

Success criteria in GCSE English
A year 10 English group explore how poetic techniques can create feelings in the reader.

Puppet Screen
Following a visit to their Forest School, primary children plan and make puppets using twigs and other natural materi...

Badger Holes
These children discover new badger holes and footprints as they walk through the woodland on their way to Forest Scho...

Musical Instruments
Children are involved in two related activities. First, they look for, discuss and draw mini-beasts. Then they make m...

The Quiz
The teacher introduces a quiz; although pupils may discuss their ideas, final responses are to be individual.

Introductory Slides
The teacher introduces the new topic 'Atoms', emphasising that this will build on the previous year's work.

Nurturing pupils' engagement with learning
The engagement with learning shown by babies and young children is often not evident in school.

Fundamentals of assessment for learning
Paul Black talks about the fundamental features of assessment for learning, building pupils' understanding of the pur...

Discussion and questioning
Year 1 children discuss the way in which a light source can make shadows.

Getting the key from the ice cube
A nursery teacher leads children through an exploration of how to release a key from an ice cube so that a box of tre...

Shelter Building
Following a story stimulus, children at Forest School are building a shelter from materials they have collected.

Qualities of Learning
Pupils continue to reflect on their learning and how it was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.

Keeping on Questioning
A group of pupils discuss their science lesson (which introduced the topic 'Atoms') with their teacher.

More Making
Learning partners continue to construct their smoke alarm, experiencing difficulties as well as successes.

Clouds and Fish
Introducing the morning's activities on pirates to her mixed YR/Y1 class, the teacher reminds the children of their r...

Bag of Pictures
After the morning's activities have been introduced, the teacher develops questions about what pirates have on their ...

Releasing the Butterflies Commentary
Practitioner Emma reflects on the clip "releasing the Butterflies.'

EYFS: Developing Writing
This clip is a commentary of how writing develops which works well with the clip "Tomi Writing'.

Improving Writing 3: Mentoring Improvement in W...
An extended conversation to improve writing standards between a first grade pupil and his teaching assistant.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores how Stravinsky creates a mysterious mood in 'Rite o...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
In a plenary session, the class are invited to feedback on compositions created during the lesson by small groups men...