Prior Learning
26 videos

Releasing the Butterflies
Both years in EYFS have been nurturing butterflies and today, they are to be released.

A differentiated approach to assisting bilingua...
Vietnamese children join a bilingual school with a wide variation in their English skills, we see how all are supported.

Opening a new bilingual school
Hints and tips from a school that opened as a new bilingual school and has proved to be successful.

Studying whole books _ what are the pupils' per...
Pupils talk with their teacher about the challenges and benefits of studying whole books and the impact that studying...

How can a teacher promote exploration of text f...
A teacher leads a group of pupils in exploring meaning in text, from the book that pupils have been studying through ...

What are the benefits of studying whole books?
The benefits of working with whole books through the school year are illustrated in group work where pupils explore t...

What does this picture mean to you? - comparing...
Using pictures as prompts, pupils show their developing understanding of the characters and themes of a book (The Boy...

What does it mean to compare characters in a bo...
Through classroom discussion, pupils talk about the techniques and skills they will need to use when comparing charac...

What does it mean to compare characters in a bo...
Through classroom dialogue including the use of talk partners, pupils explore the use of connectives to express diffe...

How do pupils see the link between reading and ...
Talk partners are used to develop pupils' understanding of how reading helps the development of writing skills and vi...

Ideas taking shape
Groups are now ready to start preparing written bids which need to reflect their reasoning.

Sharing lesson intentions
After recapping the previous lesson, the teacher outlines plans for the current lesson and shares intended learning o...

Introductory Slides
The teacher introduces the new topic 'Atoms', emphasising that this will build on the previous year's work.

Flipchart List
Having helped pupils to recall what they already know about atoms, the teacher asks them to think about what they wou...

Cooking Pot
Using a very effective cooking pot analogy, the teacher encourages children to devise and make some sort of alarm by ...

Our Own Museum
Following a visit to the local museum, these nursery children have planned and set up their own museum in the role-pl...

Collaborative Layout
As this PE lesson continues, two pairs of learning partners are bringing together their separate ideas for a routine ...

Layout Design
In this PE lesson, a pair of learning partners are designing the layout for a routine to include a range of apparatus...

Bag of Pictures
After the morning's activities have been introduced, the teacher develops questions about what pirates have on their ...

Sharing Learning Objectives
A high school science teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) considers the advantages of sharing...

How can you promote in-depth exploration of text?
Having studied a whole book (The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas) through the year, pupils show how they have developed sk...

Representing ideas through design and technology.
Dolf, an EAL learner, has chosen to work in The Artellier to construct a model.