96 videos

Releasing the Butterflies
Both years in EYFS have been nurturing butterflies and today, they are to be released.

What makes our bilingual school different?
Senior teachers define how bilingual international schools enabe local perspective and global citizenship.

Developing a bilingual school- the role of phonics
Illustrated by the same year 2 class in their English and Vietnamese phonics lesson teachers explain how phonics aid ...

What are the benefits of studying whole books?
The benefits of working with whole books through the school year are illustrated in group work where pupils explore t...

Feedback, peer assessment and reflective learning
In relation to a year 10 GCSE English group, a deputy head teacher talks about how students have developed feedback s...

Collaborative learning and effective group work
In this clip, a deputy head teacher talks about developing procedures and defining roles for group work in conjunctio...

Questioning and no hands up
A deputy head teacher talks about the impact of no hands up as a technique for involving all students in classroom di...

The AfL classroom _ 2
A deputy head teacher talks about assessment for learning within the context of a year 10 boys GCSE English group.

The AfL classroom - 1
A deputy head teacher talks about the characteristics of an assessment for learning classroom.

Engaging all children in their learning
Mick Waters talks about successful schools where all children are architects of their own learning

What is outstanding teaching - 1?
What does good teaching look like inside and outside of the classroom?

Opening doors and inviting children through
Mick Waters talks about developing children with growth mindsets and avoiding the pressures of the education system t...

What does learning and teaching look like over ...
What do you want children to experience and achieve?

What does outstanding learning look like?
What does learning look like in successful schools and how does this impact on measured outcomes for pupils?

Heads and shoulders
Year 3 children sing 'heads and shoulders' as part of a French lesson with a focus on naming parts of the body.

Fun with colours
In this school, the aim is to engage children in learning a modern foreign language through activities, games and songs.

Decorating Sticks
These nursery children have a new set of sticks which they will use to make, and to enjoy, music.

Puppet Screen
Following a visit to their Forest School, primary children plan and make puppets using twigs and other natural materi...

Train Ride
As part of their outdoor play, nursery children have helped to construct a train out of cardboard boxes.

Badger Holes
These children discover new badger holes and footprints as they walk through the woodland on their way to Forest Scho...

Fairness Photo-line
Groups of children are given the same set of photographs and asked to collaborate in ranking them in order of 'fairne...

A Teaching Assistant has come across two boys in the school grounds as they find and look at some mini-beasts.

Story Telling
The teacher (with the assistance of a basket of props) reads the class the Very Lazy Ladybird story.

Introductory Slides
The teacher introduces the new topic 'Atoms', emphasising that this will build on the previous year's work.

Cooking Pot
Using a very effective cooking pot analogy, the teacher encourages children to devise and make some sort of alarm by ...

Language detectives
As part of a theme of exploring languages and the similarities between them, year 3 children match number names in Fr...

Recapping French Vocabulary
The teacher leads a lively start to a French lesson with a year 3 class, recapping some vocabulary with the class.

Find the object
Year 6 pupils in a German class are involved in a team game to find objects as they are named by the teacher.

Naming the colours - German
Children use an activity, in which they step on coloured cards in sequence, to revise the names of colours in German.

Incorporating French into the school day
A class teacher talks about how French is incorporated into the wider curriculum and the advantages that children who...

Supporting in French
A class teacher, who supports French being taught to her class, talks about her role and experiences, and the impact ...

Conversations about animals
Building on whole class and group work earlier in the lesson, the children use the French to which they have been int...

Pass the parcel
As part of a French lesson talking about animals, the children work in groups playing pass the parcel, using their kn...

Talking about the animals
A year 5 class are working on naming animals in French and linking this with previous work on colours.

The hot and cold game
In this primary school, a range of activities are used to make learning a modern foreign language enjoyable and fun.

Characteristics of the AfL classroom
Classrooms where assessment for learning has been implemented can appear and sound very different from conventional c...

Understanding the big picture
In order for pupils' day to day learning to be meaningful, they need to understand how it fits into the bigger picture.

Fundamentals of assessment for learning
Paul Black talks about the fundamental features of assessment for learning, building pupils' understanding of the pur...

Discussion and questioning
Year 1 children discuss the way in which a light source can make shadows.

Getting the key from the ice cube
A nursery teacher leads children through an exploration of how to release a key from an ice cube so that a box of tre...

Taking Part
Students in this mixed ability group reflect on their attitude to drama lessons and what encourages them to take part.

Shelter Building
Following a story stimulus, children at Forest School are building a shelter from materials they have collected.

Bridge Building
Following a story stimulus, nursery children use a variety of materials to build a bridge which has to be safe enough...

Our Own Museum
Following a visit to the local museum, these nursery children have planned and set up their own museum in the role-pl...

Qualities of Learning
Pupils continue to reflect on their learning and how it was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.

Celebrating the Environment
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...

Forest School Opportunities
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...

The children are engaged in a range of planned activities relating to their chosen topic 'pirates'.

Bag of Pictures
After the morning's activities have been introduced, the teacher develops questions about what pirates have on their ...

Sharing Learning Objectives
A high school science teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) considers the advantages of sharing...

The Vegetable Patch
A group of children in this private nursery talk informally with their teacher and each other, and make visits to the...

How can you promote in-depth exploration of text?
Having studied a whole book (The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas) through the year, pupils show how they have developed sk...

Releasing the Butterflies Commentary
Practitioner Emma reflects on the clip "releasing the Butterflies.'

EYFS- The Vital Foundation
A principal talks about why the foundation stage is vital in terms of both learning and social skills.

Parents view on play based settings
Parents give their views on play-based early years and contrast this to more formal settings.

EYFS: Developing Writing
This clip is a commentary of how writing develops which works well with the clip "Tomi Writing'.

Developing bilingual learners through one curri...
A bilingual primary class is seen during integrated topic work, language and cultural support is both planned for and...

Exploring Non-Standard Measurements Using IT 1
Joaquim uses non-standard tools to measure the length of different school supplies.

Exploring Non-Standard Measurements Using IT 2
Children use non-standard tools to measure the length of different school supplies.

Learning About Fractions Using IT 1
Joaquim is using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a conceptual u...

Learning About Fractions Using IT 2
Two children are using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a concep...

Learning About Fractions Using IT 3
Two children are using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a concep...

IT Integration in the Classroom 2
The shift in a school to the total integration of IT into subject teaching is further examined.
8th Grade Reflecting on the Personal Learning Plan
8th grade students reflect on improving their learning through the use of their Personal Learning Plan.

Language Arts
Raising standards in literacy has benefitted from the Language Arts approach at this school in Mexico.

Middle School Math Data Meeting
Sharing data with students and translating targets to student centred language is enabling students to set their own ...

The School That Knows Itself: Purpose and Direc...
Ensuring that mission and vision are visible in classrooms and their effects inspire students can be measured is seen...

The School That Knows Itself- Being Ambitious
The academic director and principal of a 5-16 school vision the next five years.

Using the Personalised Learning Plan
We watch as a teacher interviews students working on their next challenging targets using their personalised learning...

Building skills across the curriculum
Students and a PE teacher reflect on how skills practised in Performing Arts subjects transfer to many subjects, illu...

Juilliard: Introducing the collaboration
Juilliard's Curriculum Specialists are both professional musicians and educators and can introduce engagement, creati...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Working in small groups with a Juilliard Curriculum Specialist, we see how an original spin can be layered on 'Myster...

Using Juilliard Masterworks to stimulate creati...
In group, the students develop their compositions ahead of performing as a whole class.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores contrasting accents and slurs to create a mysterious...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores how Stravinsky creates a mysterious mood in 'Rite o...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
A teacher and Juilliard Curriculum Specialist team teach a class encouraging them to think as composers.

What engages children in learning?
Purpose, process and audience: Mick Waters considers these three key elements underpinning learning.