60 videos

Releasing the Butterflies
Both years in EYFS have been nurturing butterflies and today, they are to be released.

Developing a bilingual school through translang...
Unpacking how the translanguaging strategy supports children's bilingual learning.

Bilingual education- Making a great start: EYFS
Two EYFS practitioners, one English first language and one Vietnamese first language illustrate their bilingual appro...

Developing a bilingual school- the role of phonics
Illustrated by the same year 2 class in their English and Vietnamese phonics lesson teachers explain how phonics aid ...

Planning the curriculum in a bilingual internat...
Consistent planning, to deliver the same skills and structured programmes concurrentl,y maximises the learning potent...

A differentiated approach to assisting bilingua...
Vietnamese children join a bilingual school with a wide variation in their English skills, we see how all are supported.

Data: the impact of the bilingual approach
True bilingualism is a learning marathon, not a sprint. We see how data shows this.

Parents and bilingual education
A principal and a parent make the case for bilingual education which encourages global perspectives but not at the ex...

Opening a new bilingual school
Hints and tips from a school that opened as a new bilingual school and has proved to be successful.

What is the impact of a whole books approach on...
A head teacher talks about how learning and teaching based on whole books has engaged and motivated pupils.

How should teachers evaluate and plan towards a...
An assistant head teacher talks about the impact of a whole books approach on children's learning and motivation.

What is the place of whole books in the new cur...
With whole books at the heart of learning and teaching, an assistant head teacher talks about how her school carries ...

Sharing lesson intentions
After recapping the previous lesson, the teacher outlines plans for the current lesson and shares intended learning o...

Meeting ourselves coming back
What are the impacts of accountability? Mick Waters considers the narrowness of current accountability measures.

What is the place of rote learning?
Mick Waters considers the place of rote learning in education and its strengths and limitations.

Learning within a broad curriculum
Why don't we assess across a broad curriculum and acknowledge that learning is complex and uneven?

Starting the Day
It is the start of the day and these Reception children are being encouraged to be independent by signing in.

Sorting Twigs
As part of their preparation for visits to Forest School, these children are learning to sort twigs into categories b...

Project Planning with Staff
Nursery staff meet to finalise details of the forthcoming visit to the local museum.

Planning with Children
Following their visit to the local museum, these Nursery children meet to remember what they saw and to plan their ow...

Planning Together
Two practitioners meet to share information and observations about the children's achievements earlier in the day (in...

Electron Mystery
Referring back to learning objectives and to the pupils' list (already constructed on the flipchart) of what they hop...

Planning the Alarm
Learning partners plan their smoke alarm; the teacher helps them to bring together their two ideas.

MfL in the primary curriculum
A primary teacher with modern foreign languages responsibility talks about introducing French to primary pupils and h...

Celebrating the Environment
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...

Learning Dispositions
An Early Years teacher reflects on her school's curriculum and shared emphasis on dispositions for learning such as t...

The children are engaged in a range of planned activities relating to their chosen topic 'pirates'.

Clouds and Fish
Introducing the morning's activities on pirates to her mixed YR/Y1 class, the teacher reminds the children of their r...

Bag of Pictures
After the morning's activities have been introduced, the teacher develops questions about what pirates have on their ...

Encouraging Independence
Nursery and Reception teachers talk about how they plan and organise their work in partnership.

Reviewing Together
Nursery and Reception teachers describe how they and their colleagues record, review and plan collaboratively.

Innovation in Leadership
A primary head-teacher is asked how it feels to be seen as an innovator in aspects of curriculum development.
The Whole Child
This Head of Music acknowledges the importance of music for developing the whole child.

Assessing and Recording Progress
A head of EYFS explains how using IT through an app to track learning.

Planning in the moment
Trainee practitioner, Jillian, explains how she is finding that genuine interest from the children is essential.

Observation, planning and ensuring development.
A principal explains how skilled observation at EYFS drives next steps of development.

Developing bilingual learners through one curri...
A bilingual primary class is seen during integrated topic work, language and cultural support is both planned for and...

Integrating Technology Throughout The Curriculum
An IT teacher explains how she enhances Math(s) teaching in grade 8 in this school in Mexico.

IT integration in First Grade: Fractions
An IT teacher and a first grade teacher delivering Math(s) explain how planning and teaching together enables deeper ...

IT Integration in First Grade: iPad Basics and ...
The simultaneous teaching of IT and Math(s) is illustrated as children work independently in non-standard measurement.

IT Integration in First Grade: Reflecting on Le...
A Math(s) and IT teacher reflect on the advantages of recording children's voices and written explanations 'live' as ...

Response to Intervention Meeting
An RTI coach explains how pupils become more successful by teachers observing their work.

Student Support Team - The SST
Tailoring individual academic experiences, noting areas for opportunity, listening to concerns, sharing strategy base...

The School That Knows Itself: Data
We see how diverse data, used daily by pupils, administrators and teachers is enabling challenge in learning for ever...

The School That Knows Itself: Purpose and Direc...
Ensuring that mission and vision are visible in classrooms and their effects inspire students can be measured is seen...

The School That Knows Itself- Being Ambitious
The academic director and principal of a 5-16 school vision the next five years.

Using the Personalised Learning Plan
We watch as a teacher interviews students working on their next challenging targets using their personalised learning...
Promoting wellbeing throughout the curriculum
Explorations of incorporating wellbeing strategies across all subject areas in the curriculum.
Values driving the secondary wellbeing curriculum
A demonstration of different wellbeing initiatives initiated into the secondary curriculum.

Teachers experiencing the Juilliard Approach: P...
Juilliard introduces its approach to learning via a music based lesson to a whole school staff. As an introductory CP...

Incorporating Juilliard into an established per...
Integration of a school's former music curriculum and the Juilliard curriculum intervention.