Professional collaboration
32 videos

AfL and CPD - 2
Describing her school as a learning community, a deputy head teacher talks about how staff are utilising the same app...

AFL and CPD - 1
A deputy head teacher talks about the on-going CPD process that is being used to support the development of assessmen...

What is outstanding teaching - 2?
Mick Waters offers a definition of an outstanding teacher in terms of the teacher's contribution to the learning comm...

What does learning and teaching look like over ...
What do you want children to experience and achieve?

Planning with Children
Following their visit to the local museum, these Nursery children meet to remember what they saw and to plan their ow...

Musical Instruments
Children are involved in two related activities. First, they look for, discuss and draw mini-beasts. Then they make m...

Supporting in French
A class teacher, who supports French being taught to her class, talks about her role and experiences, and the impact ...

Introducing AfL in secondary schools
Paul Black talks about the issues for teachers and for pupils where assessment for learning is being introduced in so...

The school context for promoting AfL
Time for discussion within school and for teachers to observe each other's practice are essential elements of continu...

Assessing and Recording Progress
A head of EYFS explains how using IT through an app to track learning.

Developing a bilingual school through translang...
Unpacking how the translanguaging strategy supports children's bilingual learning.

Developing a bilingual school- the role of phonics
Illustrated by the same year 2 class in their English and Vietnamese phonics lesson teachers explain how phonics aid ...

Planning the curriculum in a bilingual internat...
Consistent planning, to deliver the same skills and structured programmes concurrentl,y maximises the learning potent...

A differentiated approach to assisting bilingua...
Vietnamese children join a bilingual school with a wide variation in their English skills, we see how all are supported.

Data: the impact of the bilingual approach
True bilingualism is a learning marathon, not a sprint. We see how data shows this.

Integrating Technology Throughout The Curriculum
An IT teacher explains how she enhances Math(s) teaching in grade 8 in this school in Mexico.

IT integration in First Grade: Fractions
An IT teacher and a first grade teacher delivering Math(s) explain how planning and teaching together enables deeper ...

IT Integration in First Grade: iPad Basics and ...
The simultaneous teaching of IT and Math(s) is illustrated as children work independently in non-standard measurement.

IT Integration in First Grade: Reflecting on Le...
A Math(s) and IT teacher reflect on the advantages of recording children's voices and written explanations 'live' as ...

IT Safety in School
IT Safety considerations are considered by The Director of Technology at a 5-16 school in Mexico.
8th Grade Reflecting on the Personal Learning Plan
8th grade students reflect on improving their learning through the use of their Personal Learning Plan.

Middle School Math Data Meeting
Sharing data with students and translating targets to student centred language is enabling students to set their own ...

Response to Intervention Meeting
An RTI coach explains how pupils become more successful by teachers observing their work.

Student Support Team - The SST
Tailoring individual academic experiences, noting areas for opportunity, listening to concerns, sharing strategy base...

The School That Knows Itself: Purpose and Direc...
Ensuring that mission and vision are visible in classrooms and their effects inspire students can be measured is seen...

The School That Knows Itself- Being Ambitious
The academic director and principal of a 5-16 school vision the next five years.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Working in small groups with a Juilliard Curriculum Specialist, we see how an original spin can be layered on 'Myster...

Incorporating Juilliard into an established per...
Integration of a school's former music curriculum and the Juilliard curriculum intervention.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores contrasting accents and slurs to create a mysterious...
Wellbeing: The Global Perspective - Part 2
The influence of the Anna Freud centre on good practice in wellbeing. An exploration into the reasoning behind par...