31 videos

The Water Wall
Five boys, with a range of heritage languages, play independently with water at a commercially produced set of pipes ...

What is the impact of a whole books approach on...
A head teacher talks about how learning and teaching based on whole books has engaged and motivated pupils.

How should teachers evaluate and plan towards a...
An assistant head teacher talks about the impact of a whole books approach on children's learning and motivation.

What is the place of whole books in the new cur...
With whole books at the heart of learning and teaching, an assistant head teacher talks about how her school carries ...

Starting the group task
A group of four use valuable time in their unsuccessful search for a group name

Engaging all children in their learning
Mick Waters talks about successful schools where all children are architects of their own learning

Opening doors and inviting children through
Mick Waters talks about developing children with growth mindsets and avoiding the pressures of the education system t...

Learning within a broad curriculum
Why don't we assess across a broad curriculum and acknowledge that learning is complex and uneven?

Starting the Day
It is the start of the day and these Reception children are being encouraged to be independent by signing in.

Bird Table
The children enjoy observing a bird table outside the window, and feed the birds regularly.

Our Own Museum
Following a visit to the local museum, these nursery children have planned and set up their own museum in the role-pl...

Qualities of Learning
Pupils continue to reflect on their learning and how it was supported in the introductory lesson on Atoms.

Keeping on Questioning
A group of pupils discuss their science lesson (which introduced the topic 'Atoms') with their teacher.

Celebrating the Environment
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...

Forest School Opportunities
Jenny Doyle, at the time Worcestershire's Forest School Co-ordinator and a key figure nationally in the Forest School...

Persistence and Expectation
Pupils in this introductory lesson on 'Atoms' work individually on a worksheet task.

Encouraging Independence
Nursery and Reception teachers talk about how they plan and organise their work in partnership.

Encouraging Independent Learning
A member of a high school's senior leadership team (and science teacher) reflects on the school's efforts to help stu...

The Vegetable Patch
A group of children in this private nursery talk informally with their teacher and each other, and make visits to the...

EYFS: Developing Writing
This clip is a commentary of how writing develops which works well with the clip "Tomi Writing'.

Exploring Non-Standard Measurements Using IT 1
Joaquim uses non-standard tools to measure the length of different school supplies.

Exploring Non-Standard Measurements Using IT 2
Children use non-standard tools to measure the length of different school supplies.

Learning About Fractions Using IT 1
Joaquim is using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a conceptual u...

Learning About Fractions Using IT 2
Two children are using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a concep...

Learning About Fractions Using IT 3
Two children are using the app 'Slice Fractions'. The game helps visualise a whole or equal shares promoting a concep...

Building skills across the curriculum
Students and a PE teacher reflect on how skills practised in Performing Arts subjects transfer to many subjects, illu...

Enabling Environment
A head of EYFS explains how accessibility of resources at children's height ensures real choice.