Learning Objectives
18 videos

Developing a bilingual school through translang...
Unpacking how the translanguaging strategy supports children's bilingual learning.

Sharing lesson intentions
After recapping the previous lesson, the teacher outlines plans for the current lesson and shares intended learning o...

Learning intentions, success criteria and makin...
The fundamental importance of sharing learning intentions and developing success criteria with the learners are empha...

Revisiting learning intentions and success crit...
In a GCSE Manufacturing group, the teacher leads the students in revisiting the learning intentions and success crite...

Discussing and evaluating team work
A group of students from a GCSE Manufacturing course are discussing and evaluating their team work.

Encouraging Risk-taking
A primary teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) reflects on the significance of sharing with ch...

Electron Mystery
Referring back to learning objectives and to the pupils' list (already constructed on the flipchart) of what they hop...

Flipchart List
Having helped pupils to recall what they already know about atoms, the teacher asks them to think about what they wou...

Understanding the big picture
In order for pupils' day to day learning to be meaningful, they need to understand how it fits into the bigger picture.

Fundamentals of assessment for learning
Paul Black talks about the fundamental features of assessment for learning, building pupils' understanding of the pur...

Developing success criteria _ movement and dance
A year 6 class are exploring mood and character in paintings.

Sharing Learning Objectives
A high school science teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) considers the advantages of sharing...

Creative Thinking
A primary school teacher (and member of the school's senior leadership team) talks about the advantages of sharing a ...

Improving Writing 1: Vivid Verbs
This first grade teacher introduces a class on the carpet to superior, more vivid verbs.