45 videos

Ideas taking shape
Groups are now ready to start preparing written bids which need to reflect their reasoning.

Forest School Printing
Children visit their own Forest School to choose and collect materials for printing.

Decorating Sticks
These nursery children have a new set of sticks which they will use to make, and to enjoy, music.

Puppet Screen
Following a visit to their Forest School, primary children plan and make puppets using twigs and other natural materi...

Train Ride
As part of their outdoor play, nursery children have helped to construct a train out of cardboard boxes.

Learning-based Displays
A member of a high school's senior leadership team (and science teacher) considers how changes in the way the school ...

Project Planning with Staff
Nursery staff meet to finalise details of the forthcoming visit to the local museum.

Planning with Children
Following their visit to the local museum, these Nursery children meet to remember what they saw and to plan their ow...

Being Imaginative (but might be called Outdoor ...
Children in this primary school are using an outdoor area close to the school as the stimulus and setting for their p...

Story Telling
The teacher (with the assistance of a basket of props) reads the class the Very Lazy Ladybird story.

Parents supporting schools (but might be called...
A primary deputy headteacher responds to two prompts.

Bridge Building
Following a story stimulus, nursery children use a variety of materials to build a bridge which has to be safe enough...

Our Own Museum
Following a visit to the local museum, these nursery children have planned and set up their own museum in the role-pl...

Collaborative Layout
As this PE lesson continues, two pairs of learning partners are bringing together their separate ideas for a routine ...

Layout Design
In this PE lesson, a pair of learning partners are designing the layout for a routine to include a range of apparatus...

Help Opportunities
Children in the top set are working on group presentations to showcase their first year of French.

Success and Reflection
The teacher supports and encourages the children in moving to a final successful conclusion.

The children are engaged in a range of planned activities relating to their chosen topic 'pirates'.

Involving Parents
Teachers from Nursery and Reception classes reflect on ways to encourage parents to be involved in their children's l...

The Vegetable Patch
A group of children in this private nursery talk informally with their teacher and each other, and make visits to the...

Releasing the Butterflies
Both years in EYFS have been nurturing butterflies and today, they are to be released.

Bilingual education- Making a great start: EYFS
Two EYFS practitioners, one English first language and one Vietnamese first language illustrate their bilingual appro...

Developing a bilingual school- the role of phonics
Illustrated by the same year 2 class in their English and Vietnamese phonics lesson teachers explain how phonics aid ...

Planning the curriculum in a bilingual internat...
Consistent planning, to deliver the same skills and structured programmes concurrentl,y maximises the learning potent...

Opening a new bilingual school
Hints and tips from a school that opened as a new bilingual school and has proved to be successful.

Integrating Technology Throughout The Curriculum
An IT teacher explains how she enhances Math(s) teaching in grade 8 in this school in Mexico.

IT integration in First Grade: Fractions
An IT teacher and a first grade teacher delivering Math(s) explain how planning and teaching together enables deeper ...

IT Integration in First Grade: iPad Basics and ...
The simultaneous teaching of IT and Math(s) is illustrated as children work independently in non-standard measurement.

IT Integration in First Grade: Reflecting on Le...
A Math(s) and IT teacher reflect on the advantages of recording children's voices and written explanations 'live' as ...

IT Safety in School
IT Safety considerations are considered by The Director of Technology at a 5-16 school in Mexico.
8th Grade Reflecting on the Personal Learning Plan
8th grade students reflect on improving their learning through the use of their Personal Learning Plan.

Enabling Environment
A head of EYFS explains how accessibility of resources at children's height ensures real choice.

Incorporating Juilliard into an established per...
Integration of a school's former music curriculum and the Juilliard curriculum intervention.

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Using the Juilliard approach in a music lesson, a class explores how Stravinsky creates a mysterious mood in 'Rite o...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
A teacher and Juilliard Curriculum Specialist team teach a class encouraging them to think as composers.