10 videos

Starting the group task
A group of four use valuable time in their unsuccessful search for a group name

Sorting Twigs
As part of their preparation for visits to Forest School, these children are learning to sort twigs into categories b...

Planning with Children
Following their visit to the local museum, these Nursery children meet to remember what they saw and to plan their ow...

Fairness Photo-line
Groups of children are given the same set of photographs and asked to collaborate in ranking them in order of 'fairne...

Story Telling
The teacher (with the assistance of a basket of props) reads the class the Very Lazy Ladybird story.

The teacher outlines a French lesson in which children revisit their first year's work by putting together (and later...

Incorporating Juilliard resources in the Classr...
Working in small groups with a Juilliard Curriculum Specialist, we see how an original spin can be layered on 'Myster...