10 videos

Parents supporting schools (but might be called...
A primary deputy headteacher responds to two prompts.

EYFS- The Vital Foundation
A principal talks about why the foundation stage is vital in terms of both learning and social skills.

Supporting a specialist EYFS team
A principal talks of how he supports the expertise of a specialist EYFS team.

Parents Communicating with Early Years Settings
Parents explain how communication- informal, social media, email, and formal reports are all important.

Parents view on play based settings
Parents give their views on play-based early years and contrast this to more formal settings.

Data: the impact of the bilingual approach
True bilingualism is a learning marathon, not a sprint. We see how data shows this.

Parents and bilingual education
A principal and a parent make the case for bilingual education which encourages global perspectives but not at the ex...

Assessment and parental involvement
A head of EYFS talks about involving parents by sharing aspects of planning and assessment through IT and social media.

Parents and Early Years
A head of EYFS explains how evolving an EYFS unit needs to have parents on board.
Connecting students, parents, and staff
An exploration into establishing connection between students, teachers and parents through journalling.